我们尝试去设计出人们喜爱的产品,毕竟,顾客才是我们最重要的判官,但当我们的工作被受设计业内好评时我们也会觉得很高兴。今年,摩托罗拉史无前例地有四款新产品得到了「红点设计大奖」,其中包括Moto X和三种蓝芽设备︰Motorola Roadster Pro汽车扬声器、Motorola Whisper和Motorola Sliver II耳机。
这个奖项证实了我们的顾客体验设计团队所付出的一切时间和功夫并没有白费,我们使产品在视觉和感觉上都很好而且使人乐于使用。摩托罗拉一直将设计视为我们的核心,我们亦对我们的代表性产品十分自豪︰包括RAZR折叠手机、StarTAC(首款折叠手机)以及DynaTAC。这种精神一直引领着我们去设计现时的产品,就像得到「红点设计大奖」的产品,以及像Moto 360这样即将出现的新产品。我们的设计团队对得到认可感到十分光荣。
Jim Wicks
SVP Consumer Experience Design
We’re Honored
We strive to design beautiful products that people love. After all, consumers are our most important jury. But we appreciate it when that work is recognized within the design community as well. This year, Motorola received an unprecedented four ‘Red Dot’Design Awards for several of our latest products, including Moto X and three of our Bluetooth-enabled devices, the Motorola Roadster Pro automotive speaker and the Motorola Whisper and Motorola Sliver II headsets.
Red Dot is an international design competition that’s been around since 1954. Each year, products are judged by a group of design experts and winners are selected based on their ability to exemplify the highest level of design in innovation and execution.
The Red Dot awards validate all the time and effort our Consumer Experience Design team puts into making sure our products look and feel great and are a pleasure to use. Design has always been central to Motorola, and we’re proud to have a tradition of iconic products that extend back through the RAZR flip phone, the StarTAC (the original “flip phone”) and all the way back to the DynaTAC. That same spirit is guiding the design of our current products, like the ones honored by Red Dot, and upcoming ones like Moto 360. It’s an honor for our design team to be recognized in such elite company.
Jim Wicks
SVP Consumer Experience Design